Costume Reflection

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I’ve been working on my toile for the tailoring project recently and from doing this I have realised what a vital part of the design process cutting on the hand is! Its exactly like the “thinking up the perfect outfit to try it on and look like a troll” scenario, but for costume. I think up a design that I am in love with then when I actually start the toile and pin it on the mannequin its just not right, something is off. In the future the mannequin will be being used from day one of designing for me. 


This weekend I watched McQueen! MY GODDDDD! What an incredible film! I was so interested in the amount of research McQueen would put into his collections, it was inspiring and something that I can sometimes not realise the importance of. I also loved his carelessness when it came to just chopping clothing up to create something completely new. I am renowned for chopping clothing (to my mums horror, “have you just cut that!”, she says) so it was interesting to see how he uses it as a design technique. 
The film also made me think about characterisation and how the model, actor or actress wearing the garment is such an important piece in the puzzle when it comes to how they wear the garment. One outfit on one person can look so different on another. 


his weekend I had tickets to frieze art fair. I had never been before so was looking forward to it. Throughout the whole fair, it seemed that most people, as well as myself, seemed to be mostly drawn to the reflective light up/ glow in dark pieces exhibited. I felt inspired after the fair and been thinking how i would like to incorporate some sort of light up/ glowing or reflective aspect to my designs.

Back to Uni

Today marks the start of year 2 and unit 7 has officially started. We will be designing and making a jacket for an editorial photoshoot, as well as alter or restyle a found or existing garment to go alongside the jacket for the photoshoot. This is a hell of a lot of work to get done by the 2nd Nov, so I need to make sure I utilise every minute! (hence why I am writing this journal entry on the train home from the briefing instead of the week before hand in!) Making is not my strong point so I need to go above and beyond to get the results I want, I need to use my independent study times as an opportunity to use the work space within college and get keep on top of all my work.

In regards to an editorial photoshoot, I don't have much personal experience in this. From what I understand an editorial shoot is supposed to illustrate a story therefore I need to establish what story I want to tell through this shoot. I have an immediate image in my mind for this project, but I need to work on it and give it some background.