Costume Reflection

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Over Easter I’m  going to work on finishing off the opera project and starting my final designs for the project.  I’ve been using a drawing pad for the laptop to draw up designs. At the moment I’m finding it hard to get used to. And I’m also fairly new to photoshop so I need to keep using it to gain some experience. I’m trying to keep looking into different techniques and elaborating on our design lab sessions. 


After speaking with Kevin and showing initial ideas he suggested I look directly at historical sources rather than looking into realised adaptations of historical garments. This has helped a lot and allowed me to come up with fresher ideas. 

I’ve been trying to work on moving elements of costume to use them for a different purpose. E.g. taking a 16th century ruff and using that to create a skirt of sleeve etc. I’m trying to work on designing less basic shapes and adding more “over the top” elements where possible. 

I’ve been using a book called “fashion. The ultimate history of costume” this has been a book that I’ve been using to use historical garments as inspiration.


During the start of the opera project I’ve been struggling to come up with ideas for a concept. My concept for blithe spirit was so strong I think I’m missing the strong sense of storyline. 
I’ve been exploring fantasy based films and I think this is a good genre for rakes progress.