Costume Reflection

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During the last corset session we worked on a pattern block. This time we were starting to create the corset. At the beginning of the session Nikki showed us what she wanted our corsets to be looking like by the next session. This put the fear in all of us as it looked (to what I thought) seemed like an almost finished corset. By the end of the session I was still tracing the pattern pieces and although I wasn't the only one still at this stage, there were people who were much further ahead so this had me considering my timing of work and how I need to speed up to get things done on time.
Regardless I took the corset home and worked on it that night and got so much done. I found that when working at home without any distractions I could work well and efficiently. Considering it was the first time making a corset and also the first time i'd used my new sewing machine it went well.

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