Costume Reflection

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London, UK

 Personification [per-son-uh-fi-key-shuh n] 
the attribution of human nature or character to animals, inanimateobjects, or abstract notions, especially as a rhetorical figure.
the representation of a thing or abstraction in the form of a person,as in art.
the person or thing embodying a quality or the like; an embodimentor incarnation

This project has instantly grabbed me and I am beyond excited to get going with this unit. Finally getting to design and create something that we can completely fabricate from our own minds. We must create a character/creature through the design and creation of a ruff and a mask. 

After thinking on what I could create I am thinking of potentially creating something using beading and possible wire for a mask, then possibly a plastic material for the ruff - I need to come up with more ideas for the ruff.

Concerned that my knowledge of making costumes could taint my ability to create the designs that I come up with, however I am excited to get started with this project!

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