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Sketchbook Development

Today we received our feedback for the last unit. I was graded mainly B's with a few A's which I was pleased with, but would ideally like to be getting mainly A's so that is something to aim towards for future units.

One of the comments in my feedback was to improve on my sketchbook and add more texture to it. I did feel at the time that my sketchbook was rushed and wasn't very visually pleasing.

Yesterday, thankfully, we had a lecture on sketchbooks and how to present them and how to make use of texture and life to make them stand out. This helped ALOT, as I haven't really ever worked on a sketchbook properly in the past. I was using my sketchbook just for sketches and not using much reference and texture and story telling. 
After seeing examples of others sketchbooks I have seen that sketchbooks can be so exciting to make compared to what I have been producing, so I will be starting my sketchbook tonight and will aim to add as much detail and story telling to the pages as possible. 

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